Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Two Finishes...

I've managed to finish the second quilt from the top of my UFO pile. It's the same pattern as my first finish for the year - from a one day mystery from long ago. The first one had planets and this one has fish.

I didn't realize until I laid the quilt out to trim the edges that I had put the focus squares in sideways! I put the top together long enough ago that I don't know if it's an 'oops!' or was on purpose. (It may just be that I picked bright enough fabrics that I never noticed the squares due to the glare! snicker!) This is another quilt that will go right to use on the boy's beds. All 3 boys are in car-shaped toddler beds, so quilts this size are seeing a lot of use right now. Thankfully, they all love bright colors!

I had one other finish for January that I didn't think to report. I got a over-sized couch pillow many years ago that I just love. It's big, cushy, and moldable - perfect for the couch. The boys have all agreed and loved on and used that pillow since they were tiny. So many years of loving (and washing) started showing in its cover last spring. The cover was so thin that the stuffing could be seen through it. I kept thinking I would just get some replacement fabric the next time I made it to a fabric store. I have to admit I haven't made it there yet. I did, however come across a robe in January that we had sitting in the donation box. The robe was so soft, I wished I had a use for it - and then my brain finally clicked on and this is the result:

The boys love the 'new' pillow. The robe material is thick enough it should be several years before I have to re-cover it. I just love quick win projects! Now to figure out which UFO to conquer next!


Quilting Chemist (Danette) said...

Love the fish quilt! The colors are bright and cheery and I like the way the 'fish are swimming'.

Fiona said...

great finishes... the quilt is such a happy one...

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

Love the bright fish quilt. Great idea to use the bathrobe to cover the pillow.

Katrine - make it and fake it said...

Awww, this is so great!!!!! You must have so much patience to take on so big projects!!!!! Mine are rarly more than a few hours long, and thats about my attantion span, so go figure! lol!!

The all look amazing!!

love K

Narelle said...

I love your fish quilt and the colours and wonderful!

Susan said...

Love the fish - perhaps yoi planned it that way to suit the bed it was goling on?? who knows - but its nto a huge thing anyway! Great cushion too.

Chris H said...

I just ADORE the fish quilt... so colourful... and it helps that I love anything nautical!

miss~nance said...

Love your bright fish quilt..... great idea for the cushion.
